Friday, March 16, 2007 Live webcast of Kiko co-founder's life

The first I heard about was last summer when PG blogged that, "Y Combinator funded [the Kiko founders'] new idea yesterday... It's probably the most outrageous startup idea I've ever heard."

Most outrageous ever? I'm intrigued.

Then, two days ago, PG busts out this gem in response to a post about YC companies that didn't last: "The Kikos are the only startup so far that has died of causes not of their own making. As everyone will soon realize when they launch, they did not fail because of lack of balls."

I noticed a photo of Justin Kan, co-founder of Kiko (which was recently sold on eBay), taken at a YC WFP 2007 dinner. In the picture, he's got a webcam strapped to his ear. Hmmmm. "Just in" TV. He's doing some sort of live video streaming. YouTube -- but happening right now. Maybe.

A Google search turns up this blog which claims that "[Justin’s] creating a 24/7 reality show in SF where he’s going to live cast his life to the web."

Do the Kikos have your interest now? Yeah, mine too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

user: alpha
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